The positive energy that yes-goodness brings
By Sufani Garza, Internationally Accredited Spiritual Teacher and Soul Care Provider

Dear Friend,
Oftentimes when I respond to people who have made a great point or said something impactful, good, or loving on social media, or in emails, I simply say, “YES!”
At this time in my life, as I am half-a-century old and lean back on my thoughts in silence and peace, thinking about the best ways to look and behave that supports peace and growth, in those moments, I worry about the future of generations who will be here when I am gone, for my children and their children.
I often speak about how we grow as humans when we rise. I see so many engaging triggers, judgment, conflict, and hatred, thinking dark thoughts in life that trap them in an abyss of unhappiness, and I worry about how things will be for generations to come.
For this reason, I say “YES” a lot. Yes to peace, yes to compassion, yes to listening, yes to disagreeing with politeness, yes to being sensitive to others, yes to bravery, yes to humility, yes to challenging myself, yes to joy, yes to experiences, yes to sharing my life, yes to being vulnerable if it will help others and so on.
If we focus more of our life on “YES” and the energy yes-goodness brings, we spend less time in no, or “anti” thoughts, actions and judgements of others that create the abyss of sadness and darkness our world is experiencing. Are we adding (+) to or subtracting (-) from darkness?
In my own little way, by saying “YES” to the good things, I can contribute to life by sharing it. By contributing good, I feel better despite the world we live in.
My challenge for you for the week to come:
• Be For People, Not Against Them.
• Listen with Politeness When You Disagree, and Reason, Rather than Cancel.
• Choose to Be For Something or Someone Rather than Against Something or Someone.
• Give People a Chance to Be Sensitive to You.
Say “YES!” to Goodness!
Love & Light, Sufi