Chef Troy Louis Chandler

It’s the morning after, and it feels like an evil yard gnome is stabbing a lawn dart repeatedly into your skull. Your stomach is turning from the prior months’ gluttonous festivities. It’s a new year, and it’s time to get clear. Menudo. Just kidding. Let’s make …
2 ripe avocados, peeled, pitted and quartered
8 slices whole wheat baguette, toasted
1 tsp. sea salt
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
Place one quartered avocado onto each piece of toast.
With the back of a wooden spoon smash each avocado down.
Sprinkle with sea salt and drizzle with olive oil.
*I like to reduce the amount of toast to one per person but add a poached egg on each and garnish with fresh herbs. Happy New Year!
T I P : Add an egg anyway you like it! Poached, sunny side up, boiled, etc.