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Interview With A Superstar

Klara Glosova, Lead SAI Instructor

Courtesy of Gage Academy of Art

If you are interested in exploring your inner artist, Studio Arts Intensive (SAI) is a unique and innovative program combining a broad range of studio courses with professional development and activities offsite designed to introduce and connect the students with the local art community. Students of all ages have the opportunity to develop a comprehensive portfolio in drawing, painting, sculpture and printmaking for admission into a university, one of Gage ateliers, or to bridge their pursuit in the visual arts into a full-time career. The program includes over 400 direct contact hours with 10 instructors in different mediums and courses of study, and includes approximately 200 hours working from the live model. You can apply online at

Behind every successful program there is a passionate instructor with the ability to connect students’ aspirations with the highest standards of art instruction. Meet Klara Glosova, lead SAI instructor. Klara’s list of accomplishments is stellar, including being a Betty Bowen Award finalist in 2017 and a recipient of 4Culture Project Grant in 2018.

Q. Klara, your role in the Studio Arts Intensive is so unique for you carefully ‘curate’ the incredible roster of artists and curators, as well as visits to galleries, and exhibitions in local museums. You literally see the SAI students transformed through the program from passive makers to artists actively engaged in ‘why’ they are making.

A. Many students go to an art school such as Gage because they want to build and hone their skills and technique … but the unique thing about this program is that from day one we start talking about developing their own ideas and interests. The question of ‘why’ they want to make the kind of art they want to make is less about finding a specific answer; it is more about developing the awareness that they should be asking that question themselves. It is about tuning into their own motivations and desires, following those leads and applying the tools they are learning to their unique voice and vision … You can see why SAI is an amazing opportunity.

Q. How do you guide the students to become individual thinkers, making a body of work over a long period of time—not just classroom exercises that teach technique and skill?

A. I start the year with a simple prompt and an assignment. From then on students are allowed to change one parameter (media, format, subject matter, etc.) each week according to their choice, but only one at the time. So even though they all start with the same assignment, by the end of the year students arrive at very different outcomes … As a group we do a lot of looking at the individual works and have engaged conversation about what is happening for each student—that way they can also learn from each other. The cohort dynamic is a very important part of this program.

Q. How is Studio Arts Intensive unique within Gage learning community as well as other courses of studies available out there?

A. In addition to working in the classroom, we go visit artist studios, meet curators and visit galleries and exhibitions. I usually schedule studio visits with artists who are working in very different ways. The variety drives home the point that each art practice is unique and equally valid.

Q. We are currently enrolling for the 2020 Studio Arts Intensive class, which starts in September 2019. I know that you are particularly excited to talk about the new printmaking component.

A. I think there are two reasons why printmaking is a great teaching tool: On one hand it forces students to think about the structure of the image—breaking it down to shapes, colors, layers, textures—and on the other hand it allows for a series of spontaneous decisions that can lead to unexpected results.

I’m very excited that SAI students will get to learn using this versatile media thanks to our brand new press and printmaking studio. In my class students will learn several fundamental techniques, which they will then apply to their individual projects. Again, students are encouraged to follow their own intuition and ideas. I’m here to help facilitate the deep dive and eventually their manifestation.

For additional information about Gage Academy of Art, visit,, instagram @gageacademy, email or call 206.323.4243.

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