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Q&A with Frazer Loveman, Beast Bus Manager

By Marguerite Cleveland

Photo by Samantha Elise Tillman

Frazer Loveman has a job many would envy. He is the manager of the Beast Bus and gets to host tailgates and other events to raise money for local nonprofits. The best part is he is caretaker of “The Beast,” a 1986 British double-decker bus, which was rebuilt from the metal up as a shrine to the Seattle Seahawks. This behemoth has five big-screen satellite-fed HDTVs and an audio system that will blow your mind with almost 40 speakers, 14 amplifiers and a wireless PA system. Inside the Beast Bus is a museum dedicated to the Seahawks. Highlights include original Kingdome chairs, player memorabilia, players jerseys and a replica of the Vince Lombardi trophy.

Q. How did the owners come up with the idea and name for the Beast Bus?

A. The whole thing started with an idea to bring tailgating to the next level. When people hear the name, they think it was named after Marshawn Lynch, but the idea came from the president’s limousine, which is known as “Beast.” Ben Seher had the bus shipped over from London and spared no expense turning it into the ultimate tailgating experience.

Q. The Beast raises lots of money for local charities, particularly Ben’s Fund, a local autism nonprofit. Why was autism chosen as a cause to support?

A. The Seahawks general manager, John Schneider, and his wife, Traci, are the founders of Ben’s Fund, named after their son who is autistic. The fund provides support to families who have a child who is autistic. Ben Seher has a nephew on the autism spectrum, and others on The Beast team have a connection as well, so Ben’s Fund was a perfect fit.

In addition to Ben’s Fund, The Beast has also raised funds for Vision House, which helps break the cycle of homelessness for families with children, and Justice and Soul, which helps provide professional cosmetology training to young women and men who have been trafficked. Throughout the year, “The Beast” participates in events for local nonprofits and has provided donations for auctions.

Q. How is The Beast used to fundraise?

A. Our signature event is the Hawks Alley Tailgate. We rent a parking lot near the stadium on game day and set up The Beast. We ask a suggested donation to attend one of the best tailgaters in the country. It is a high-energy event with music, special guests, and food and drink donated by local vendors such as Heritage Distilling, which helps us maximize our donations. The tailgaters are logistically challenging to put together but well worth the time, as thousands of dollars are raised each Seahawks home game.

Q. What is the secret to a great tailgater?

A. The secret is good food, loud good music and well-behaved guests. Seahawks fans are a friendly bunch, and we welcome guests supporting the opposing teams as well. The food at our events is really good thanks to our local vendors who help support these events. We have so many people that donate time and materials to make these events a success.

Q. How is COVID-19 affecting the use of the Beast Bus?

A. The Beast is totally grounded this year since the pandemic started. It is a shame because we do so much for local charities that we aren’t able to do this year. On a positive note, during this downtime we are taking the opportunity to make some upgrades. When The Beast comes back, she will be even more astounding.

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