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Take Care of Your Silence?

That place within you that knows you are worthy By Sufani Garza, Alternative Healing Therapist, Reiki Master & Soul Care Provider, Place of Bliss Sanctuary & Academy

health lifestyle

In the busyness of our world, we risk the loss of our silence. We find ourselves often, in the pursuit of never-ending progress, constantly scrolling on social media, constantly questioning our life, choices, purpose, and whether we are “good enough” or “worthy enough.” The most common thing that comes up in my practice with others is the feeling that, somehow, we aren’t enough; not enough to deserve success, health and wellness; not enough to have love or be loved, happiness or the life we dream of. We share a common theme in life; we wonder about our worthiness, to have all we want, to be happy, and the main craving to be satiated is love. Simple love. Something so available; something everyone deserves. So, what’s the problem?

In all this activity of our mind, the silent voice of peace waits for us to take care of our silence. That place within us that knows we are worthy, and that love is our birthright. That place that has confidence, that place where the stories in our heads fall silent, so we may hear our love for self, and truly understand the beauty and unbridled potential we are.

With the bloom of new seasons, new life, and activity, also comes new decisions and the potential to choose love, peace and kindness—for ourselves and our fellow man. On every corner is a pillar of choice for peace, and its foundation that often sits unnoticed. With every action that we take is an opportunity to ask ourselves, “Won’t you take care of your silence?” For in the silence is the continual unmasking of ourselves as we push to grow, change, take risks, and believe in ourselves and others. We are capable of such beauty and profoundness. In our silence is peace and calm, and the part of us that smiles again despite our pain. In our silence is the part of us that knows all will be okay. In the silence is our connection to something greater than ourselves: God, Spirit, Nature, Universe, and asks us to grow beyond what we know, listen a little more, include more, exclude less, respect our feelings and those of others. In the silence, we can hear our own words, not those of our past trauma, and choose to believe in our story of hope, grace, goodness, success, and our value.

So, in times of busyness and even the world asunder, one thing we mustn’t forget, we mustn’t neglect our wonder.

We can listen to what our soul is saying and begin a story anew. We can change the path we are on and ask it to renew.

The world has suffered, yet we are not the world. We are human beings living this life, and every step begins with you!

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